Integrity & Compliance Featured
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A clear strategy and well-aligned execution processes are critical for the long term success of any business. Therefore it is good practice to regularly review your business strategically and you may experience one or more of the following drivers:
- You run a young organisation or one that has experienced recent growth and never had use for an explicated strategy until now
- You already have a strategy in place but your team lacks buy-in, making tactical decisions which conflict directly or indirectly with your strategy
- You may anticipate a big change in the market that presents a danger you need to mitigate or an opportunity on which you want to capitalise
- Your business is already missing its targets. You're losing market share to your competitors, your market is shrinking, or your margins are being eroded between aggressive suppliers, competitors and customers
- Changes in technological advancements, market transparency and information availability mean you need to adjust your strategy to stay competitive
- There is a regulatory change that you need to deal with to stay in business.
You may have completed your internal and external analysis,
but how do you take the results and turn them into a strategy? Once you have
your strategy in place, how do you go about implementing it? And then there are
the assurance and governance questions you need to address.
This is where Avaelis can help you through the following
- Our Strategy Development service helps you to maintain organisation-environment fit to arrive at a sustained competitive advantage that will allow your business to prosper over the long term.
- With the Business Review service, Avaelis will review your organisation's practices and processes, assess alignment with the overall strategy and make recommendations to improve its efficiency and effectiveness as a whole.
- Avaelis' Assurance & Governance service will ensure your organisation's compliance with regulatory requirements such as the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, the Corporations Act 2001 and Sarbanes-Oxley.
When you engage Avaelis in the area of Integrity & Compliance, you can expect:
- Robust strategy delivery in a way that avoids excessive formalisation and bureaucratisation but fosters creativity and innovation
- Improved alignment of your business with your strategy, improving resource allocation, all-of-business understanding and drive towards your strategic objectives and holistic efficiency and effectiveness as your business unites to work towards clear goals.
- Peace of mind in knowing that your business conforms to the necessary governance requirements.
Last modified onWednesday, 22 January 2014 09:36