Business Productivity Featured
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A recent McKinsey study indicated that the average knowledge worker spends less than forty percent of his or her time actually performing role-specific tasks. More than three full days per week are dedicated to reading and answering e-mail, searching and gathering information and communicating and collaborating internally. (3)
Knowledge workers often spend much of their time:
- Traveling to and participating in a multitude of ineffective meetings
- Navigating tools and technology solutions that are not fit for purpose, simply outdated, or which they do not understand sufficiently to use effectively
- Making best-effort decisions with an incomplete understanding of the tasks that take place before or after theirs
- Relying on time-consuming and error-prone manual labour for administrative tasks and as a result spending even more time error-checking and duplicating work
- Scouring the Internet, intranet and internal reporting systems and questioning other staff for information before combining it all into regular custom reports, such as weekly sales reports.
These are examples of everyday challenges faced by workers in your organisation. And then there is the question of what to do with conflicting information in different reports. What if hardware failure causes the loss of countless hours of hard work? How do you make sure that your staff continues to be productive when they are away from the office? And how should you handle your staff using online social networks?
To unlock business productivity in your organisation, Avaelis offers the following services:Our End User Productivity service focuses on the many opportunities to make your workers more productive. Tailored competeies Avaelis can develop include collaboration, mobility, KPI management, people development and workflow analysis.
- Avaelis’ Automation service identifies potential areas for the reduction or elimination of expensive manual labour tasks by putting in place streamlined, automated processes.
- Our Enterprise Intelligence service provides you the opportunity to significantly cut down time spent by your staff gathering information and can deliver valuable, timely insights that would otherwise be too difficult to attain.
- With the Supply Chain Optimisation service, Avaelis will increase the efficiency, reliability and agility of your supply chain, for example through the implementation of flexible IT systems and channels, standardising business processes and elimination of duplicate effort.
When engaging Avaelis in the area of Business Productivity, you can expect:
- Reduced cost through automation of time-consuming tasks, elimination of task duplication and a more efficient workforce
- Reduced error rates and associated cost and customer dissatisfaction by reducing reliance on error-prone manual tasks and by optimising your supply chain
- Improved staff productivity through enhanced, tailored collaboration and mobility strategies
- Improved staff engagement by enabling your staff to focus on the interesting tasks that really matter and reducing tedious administrative work
- Additional insights to help you make better informed strategic decisions and ensure your organisation’s competitiveness in the market.
1. Bloch, Michael, Blumberg, Sven and Laartz, Jürgen. Delivering large-scale IT projects on time, on budget, and on value. s.l. : McKinsey & Co, 2012.
2. Flyvbjerg, Bent and Budzier, Alexander. Why Your IT Project May Be Riskier Than You Think. September 2011.
3. McKinsey Global Institute. The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies. s.l. : McKinsey & Company, 2012.